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NUTRITION and Hunting 


Tigers are obligate carnivores and mostly only eat  large ungulates. They are dominant over sympatric carnivores and target prey such as deer, water buffalo, wild pigs, and very rarely humans. 


The primary factors in hunting are deception, capture, and

consumption, and the tiger thrives at each. When tigers approach their prey they initially start with a bite followed by securing it with their power teeth. The tiger wants to place their prey in a position for them to be killed, using various movements such as assisting themselves with their paws for grip, or placing the prey on its back using their own as leverage. They even use strangulation as a hunting tactic and use their immense jaw strength to seize kills. 


Tigers can consume up to 88 lbs of meat at one time, averaging at least one deer sized animal per week. Plants do not make up a significant portion in their diet. Although tigers have a wide variety in their diet, deer are 75% of its diet. Adults consume 40 to 60 lbs of meat in one meal, with females hovering around 11 to 13 lbs, and can eat 20% of its body weight in an entire day.


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